IT department
Project staff:
Dipl. Inf. (FH) Maik Dobbermann
Yassine Oubali
Data sirens
For german based climate stations (only accessable from inside uni marburg network or vpn)
For ecuadorian climate stations (only accessable from inside uni marburg network or vpn)
For galapagos specific climate stations (only accessable from inside uni marburg network or vpn)
Modelling cluster, process and data server
A major research goal at the LCRS is the simulation of atmospheric dynamics with a focus on mesoscale weather systems as well as the examination of interactions between soil, vegetation and atmosphere (SVAT). For this purpose we use state of the art SVAT models together with numerical weather models of the latest generation. Our modelling cluster provides the sophisticated hardware essential for this task. The coupled simulations of atmosphere and ecosystem processes are the basis for extensive research activities at the LCRS concerning climate change impacts. The operational processing chains of the developed MSS algorithms are implemented on our process server. The retrieved data is archived on our data server and form the basis for various climatological studies; particularly for interdisciplinary ecological projects.
Publications and poster presentations:
2021 - Wagemann, J.; Siemen, S.; Seeger, B. & Bendix, J. (2021): Users of open Big Earth data – An analysis of the current state. Computers & Geosciences 157, 104916.
2012 - Fries, A. (2012): Implementation of new methods for the regionalization of climate data Philipps-University-Marburg, phd thesis
2011 - Trachte, K. (2011): Cold Air Drainage Flows and their Relation to the Formation of Nocturnal Convective Clouds at the Eastern Andes of South Ecuador Philipps-University-Marburg, phd thesis
- Zipfel, A.G. (2011): Biodiversity as a resource: Plant use and land use among the Shuar, Saraguros, and Mestizos in tropical rainforest areas of southern Ecuador Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, phd thesis
- Göttlicher, D. (2011): Plant Functional Types for Land Surface Modelling in South Ecuador - Spatial Delineation, Sensitivity and Parameter Determination Philipps-University-Marburg, phd thesis
2008 - Thies, B. (2008): A novel day/night-technique for area-wide precipitation retrieval over Central Europe using MSG SEVIRI data Philipps-University-Marburg, phd thesis
2005 - Nauss, T. (2005): Das Rain Area Delineation Scheme RADS - Ein neues Verfahren zur satellitengestützten Erfassung der Niederschlagsfläche über Mitteleuropa Philipps-University-Marburg, phd thesis
2004 - Schillings, C. (2004): Bestimmung langjähriger stündlicher Zeitreihen und räumlich hochaufgelöster Karten der Direkt-Normal-Strahlung auf der Basis von Meteosat-Daten und Atmosphärenparametern für die Nutzung in konzentrierenden Solarkraftwerken Philipps-Universität Marburg, phd thesis
1997 - Wahl, L. (1997): Study of the spatio-temporal dynamics of radiative fog in the southern rhine graben with noaa-avhrr satellite pictures Universite Louis Pasteur (FR) , phd thesis