Linden Ground Truth and Profiling Station & Metrology and Maintenance Laboratory
Project staff:
Mr. Sebastian Achilles
Dr. Boris Thies
The Marburg Ground Truth and Profiling Station is located in Linden-Leihgestern, about 30 km south of Marburg.
It is organized in cooperation with the Justus-Liebig University Gießen which operates a station for climate impact research and the “Hessisches Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie that operates an official air quality monitoring station.
The principal aim of the station is to provide validation data for satellite-products of low clouds and precipitation developed at the LCRS.
Another important objective is the measurement of meteorological and climatological phenomena in the boundary layer.
Core instruments are:
- 94 Ghz cloud radar and microwave profiler
- 24 Ghz doppler rain radar profiler
- Sonic detection and ranging SODAR ECHO-1
- Ceilometer
- Particulate Volume Monitor
- Present Weather Sensor
- Ultrasonic Anemometer
- Climate station (temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, rain rate)
Metrology and Maintenance Laboratory 
Available instruments:
- Digital Multimeters
- Digital Process Calibrator
- 25Mhz Arbitrary Waveform Generator
- 200MHz Portable Oscilloscope
- Laboratory Power Supply
- Soldering Stations
- Hot-Air Rework Station
- CAD and EDA Software
Linden climate station, Temperature and humidity of the last 30 days
Publications and poster presentations:
- Linden - Wind by Thies, B.; Achilles, S. & Dobbermann, M. (2023)
- Linden - Niederschlag Ott by Thies, B.; Achilles, S. & Dobbermann, M. (2023)
- Linden - Strahlung CNR4 by Thies, B. & Dobbermann, M. (2021)
- Linden - Lufttemperatur und rel. Luftfeuchte in 2m und 10m Höhe by Thies, B. & Dobbermann, M. (2017)