Welcome to the Laboratory for Climatology and Remote Sensing
The LCRS is a working group within the Faculty of Geography at the University of Marburg. Research is done in the fields of climatology, remote sensing and numerical modelling, with a focus on atmospheric and boundary layer climatology, climate-ecology and climate change impact assessment.
Main research activities at the LCRS are:
- Climatological remote sensing
- Simulation of atmosphere and ecosystem processes
- Climate change impact research
To find out more about our research please have a look at the projects and facilities section on this page.
Latest available projects for students
Latest publications
- Gaurav, S.; Thies, B.; Egli, S. & Bendix, J. (2025): A new machine-learning based cloud mask using harmonized data of two Meteosat generations shows a general decrease in cloudiness over Europe in recent decades. Remote Sensing of Environment 318, 114599.
- Turini, N.; Maldonado, B.D.; Zander, S.; López, S.D.B.; Ballari, D.; Celleri, R.; Orellana Alvear, J.; Schmidt, B.; Scherer, D. & Bendix, J. (2025): Operational satellite cloud products need local adjustment--The Galapagos case of ecoclimatic cloud zonation. Atmospheric Research 315, 107918.
- Grigusova, P.; Beilschmidt, C.; Dobbermann, M.; Drönner, J.; Mattig, M.; Sanchez, P.; Farwig, N. & Bendix, J. (2024): A Data Storage, Analysis, and Project Administration Engine (TMFdw) for Small-to Medium-Size Interdisciplinary Ecological Research Programs with Full Raster Data Capabilities. Data 9(12), 143.
Latest datasets
- Smallholder field polygons and crop-types from western Kenya for Short Rain Season 2023 by Leist, L. (2024)
- Smallholder field polygons and crop-types from western Kenya for Long Rain Season 2023 by Leist, L. (2024)
- Synthetic Meteosat First Generation Rectified MVIRI Visible Band Images (Level 1.5) by Jung, I. (2024)